Sunday, August 15, 2021

Two Young People Same Opportunity But Different Outcome

Interesting week end reading of 2 young people:

My daughter's boyfriend was homeless and destitute, so we let him live at our place, fully supported, rent free, for a few weeks. The idea was that he would get a job, get on his feet, find a place, and become independent.

He got the job, then spent all of his money in Xbox games and snack foods. About a year into a stay of a few weeks, we finally paid his deposit and first months rent because he had nothing saved

In contrast, my daughter worked a part time minimum wage job and saved enough to cover the months living expenses, her damage deposit, and first months rent.

When something happened at work that annoyed him, he quit his job and went to play on his Xbox has been unemployed ever since.

When my daughter got annoyed at work, she found another full time job that paid twice as much, and worked both jobs until the manager at the minimum wage job became too demanding (wanting free overtime and such).

When covid-19 hit, she worked her tail off to put aside savings. When the layoffs came, It was a 6 month vacation for her before she started classes to improve her lot. As her 1099 gig work picks up, she is seriously considering buying her first house.

In contrast, he had already made the decision to focus on his Xbox, gave up looking for work, and when the stimulus check runs out he'll be mooching off friends and family again.

Two young people, the same opportunity, and one did poor people stuff while the other did rich people stuff.

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